Your old metal fence has probably worn down after a rough summer of high winds, torrential rains, and rambunctious kids.
Your old metal fence has probably worn down after a rough summer of high winds, torrential rains, and rambunctious kids. That means it’s time to install a new fence. Metal fences are some of the sturdiest fences you can choose, but that doesn’t save them from user error. Here are some mistakes that you should avoid when you’re putting up your new fence this fall.
No Shopping
Before you can put up a new fence, you need to do your homework first. What this means is you need to find a metal fence that fits your needs: do you want to increase your privacy? Or would you like some more decoration to fit the aesthetic you’re going for considering Halloween is swiftly approaching? You’ll also need to think about how well you can maintain the fence, and how good you are at installing fences. Although you could probably put up the fence with some assistance from a friend, a family member, or a neighbor, it might be best to leave the whole project to a professional instead.
Inadequate Plans
Before you can start building your metal fence, make sure you have a plan in mind. That way, you will know where the fence should go, and you can ensure you have all of the tools, gear, and supplies that you need.
Property Lines
Make sure you are putting the fence on your side of any property lines you share with your neighbors. That way, you avoid violating any HOA agreements, and you won’t upset your neighbors, either.
Post Problems
Every fence, even metal ones, need sturdy posts for full support. If the posts are sagging, then you have bigger problems you will need to fix.
Incline Issues
Your yard might have a hidden incline. If you don’t account for this before you start working on your metal fence, the results could fail to meet your expectations.
Sagging Gates
Every fence has at least one gate built into it. Metal fences are no exception. Eventually, all gates will sag. When this happens, you’ll need to fix them as soon as possible. If a gate can’t open and close normally, then it presents a safety hazard to your property. After all, not everybody can climb up onto a fence and over onto the other side, should it become necessary. You’ll have to pick the best possible spot for the gate because once it is installed, it is difficult to take it down and move it again. Think about who will be moving through the gate: people, horses, livestock? That question will help determine the size and style of the gate.
If you are ready to install your iron fence gate or you still have some more questions, we here at Hercules Custom Iron are here to help. We have plenty of years of experience and will ensure that your pool fence will serve you and your family for years. Visit us online or call us at 1-800-331-2590. For advice, updates, and to see what we are up to, be sure to follow us on social media on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Google+, and Pinterest.