Basic Metal and Iron Fence Care

Caring for your metal or iron fence will add many years to its lifespan and keep it looking as good as the day it was installed. It’s fairly easy to care for your iron fence, but you need to be consistent in order to ensure your fence is properly maintained. This week, we’ll cover a few basic care tips for your metal fence to keep in mind.

Basic Metal and Iron Fence Care

Keep Vegetation Away

When vegetation gets close to or lives on your fence, it could result in damage to the fence. Trees especially are something to watch out for. Their large, strong roots and trunks can dislodge fence railings and posts, necessitating reconstruction of the fence.

Lawn Care

You probably trim your lawn with a string trimmer and use sprinklers to water it and keep the grass green. However, use caution when using these lawn care apparatuses near your fence. String trimmers can cut into paint and primer, damaging the finish and making it easy for rust to accumulate. Sprinklers can cause water to accumulate near fence posts and weaken the earth around the post, making it unstable.


If you see any scratches in the paint, the sooner you can fix them, the better. This is because water can get in there and oxidize the metal, creating rust. Read our blogs on removing rust from a metal fence and painting a metal fence for more information.

iron fence

Hercules Custom Iron is proud to be an affiliate of Hercules Fence. We have more than 70 years of industry experience and are committed to providing quality craftsmanship. Our custom designs are crafted by master fabricators to produce ornamental iron that offers both aesthetic appeal and structural reliability. Professional in-house installers take care to provide the highest quality service for every job they complete.

Our state-of-the art manufacturing and sand blasting facility is located just 60 miles north of Washington D.C. We also offer onsite, top of the line paint and powder coating. Our dedication has enabled Hercules Custom Iron to become a revolutionary company respected throughout the industry. We are proud to of our place as a leading manufacturer of custom iron work throughout, Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania and the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Area. We look forward to having you Contact Us to learn more about how we can help you with your next custom iron, specialty metal or aluminum project!

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