The Importance of Safety Railings

The Importance of Safety Railings hercules custom iron
Railings are very important components of design and should not be neglected during the planning of a new construction project.

Most of us take railings for granted. They always seem to be there for us whenever we need them – when going up a flight of stairs, when driving on the road, and so on. Although we use railings practically every day, we never really take a moment to think about just how important they are. Consider, for a moment, what would happen if every railing in the world simply vanished. The world would be a lot less safe! Railings are very important components of design and should not be neglected during the planning of a new construction project. Here are some more detailed reasons why safety railings are so important.

Provides Support

Railings are great accessibility tools that have a lot of use cases. In a nursing home, a home being built for an owner ready to age in place, or anywhere else an elderly person may be, railings provide support and stability where it’s needed the most. Even those not suffering from a disability feel more comfortable when holding or lightly grazing a handrail as they ascend a flight of stairs. Moreover, railings provide comfort in uncomfortable situations. Consider their use on something like an observation deck, high up in the air. Without railings, most people, even those without a fear of heights, wouldn’t go anywhere near the edge of the area.

Makes Areas Safe During Inclement Weather

The Mid-Atlantic region experiences just about every kind of inclement weather Mother Nature can throw at us, from rainstorms to snow and ice. Surfaces outside become slippery and many rely on the safety that a railing can provide, even in situations where the surface may be salted. In public, highly trafficked outdoor areas, railings are a necessity to cover this situation.

Keeps Property Safe

In a residential context, railings are most often used on a deck or patio area. While they can be and are used for the two reasons listed above, another important reason is that it keeps the outdoor area enclosed. This becomes important during, for example, a blustery day. Patio furniture can blow away quite easily if you haven’t packed it away before the wind comes, and railings help keep this furniture from flying straight off the edge. 


If you are ready to plan out your fencing project or you still have some more questions, Hercules Custom Iron is here to help. We have many years of experience and will ensure that your iron fence will serve you and your family for years. Visit us online or call us at 1-800-331-2590. For advice, updates, and to see what we are up to, be sure to follow us on social media on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Pinterest.

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