The Security Benefits of Ornamental Fencing

ornamental security fencing

Ornamental fencing can pull double duty by adding both security and curb appeal to your home.

Combining security with aesthetics can be difficult to achieve but ornamental fencing provides the best of both worlds. Whether you need to provide safety for your pets or want to let intruders know you aren’t an easy victim, ornamental fencing offers top-notch security. If you’re in the market for increased security, there are several reasons why ornamental fencing can provide you piece of mind.

Top-Tier Security

While fences help deter theft and intrusions, ornamental fences are well known for preventing unwanted visitors from accessing your home or business. Ornamental fences are very hard to climb which is an easy way to increase security. While chain link can be cut and wooden fences can be broken down, it is almost impossible to break down an ornamental fence. Unfortunately not everyone has your best interest at heart so you need to provide the security your home or business deserves. Many people regret not investing in the right fence when after a devastating issue occurs.

Ornamental Fence Customization

With certain fence styles you have limited options depending on the layout of your property but ornamental fences can be customized for almost any situation. Installing this type of fence can be complicated, however, so working with an experienced fence installation company will make sure that your fence is installed properly and provide the type of security you expect from ornamental fencing.

Styles of Ornamental Fences

The most popular types of ornamental fencing are generally aluminum and iron. Aluminum will require less maintenance and you will actually be able to pick the color of your fence, which eliminates the need to paint it. Aluminum also comes in a variety of styles which helps to easily compliment a home or business, and you can also chose the strength and quality of the aluminum for your ornamental fence. Aluminum is obviously not as strong as wrought iron, however, so it may not hold up to your specific needs. For a fence that can stand heavy wear and tear, you will want to invest in iron. Iron does have a disadvantage in the fact that it is not ideal for landscapes with steep grades, so you will benefit from discussing all of your options with a trusted fence installation service.


With security and the added bonus of a pleasing aesthetic appeal, ornamental fencing will fit all of your needs. Hercules Custom Iron has more than 70 years of experience crafting glass fences, ornamental iron, and quality aluminum in its in-house manufacturing facility. Contact Us today to learn more about how we can help you with your next custom iron, specialty metal or aluminum project! Also, be sure to follow Hercules Custom Iron on FacebookTwitter and LinkedIn!




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